Exhibition stand designer: Why call on an expert for your professional stand?


R2 Stand & Event has been working with companies of all sizes in all sectors of activity since 2009. We optimise their presence at trade shows in France and around the world. Each trade show, each client, represents an opportunity to demonstrate our creativity; our business is not a routine one.

Based on this experience, we would like to summarise for you in these few pages the elements that seem to be essential for a successful trade fair.

The importance of using a stand designer to create a customised professional stand. But also the importance of animations and digitalization of your space to mark the spirit of the visitors.

Enjoy your reading, we remain at your disposal for any information request and the study of your project.

In the age of Web 2.0, is there still any point in investing in a trade show?

Web 2.0 has transformed the relationship between companies and their customers.

Sales forces have seen their productivity increase thanks to CRM, enabling them to manage a greater number of contacts. The automation of exchanges, based on the tracking and analysis of visitors' journeys on websites, has further limited interactions between "humans".

In this context, it may seem odd to want to attend a trade fair driven by the hope of physical meetings.

Beyond the sympathy that can be gained from running into each other outside of a Skype or Google Meet, the visit of a contact on a trade show stand remains essential.

It is first and foremost an opportunity to present a solution, a product, an innovation, and to receive immediate and enriching feedback! No newsletter, however pretty, will tell you what your prospect's impression of a new offer is. At best, a click will confirm their interest. A trade show is an opportunity to multiply this feedback in a short time.

Exhibiting your company at a trade show is also an opportunity to boost your reputation and take the temperature of the market. The absence of a player is never a good sign while the dynamics of a good stand will have an important impact for your prospects, but also for your suppliers, partners and colleagues.

Finally, participation in a trade fair is an opportunity for a company to bring its sales force together and motivate them.

Apart from the incredible impact that digitalization has had on the promotion process, notably by limiting costs, there is no substitute for a meeting with your prospect or partner.


The importance of a trade fair stand designer specialising in space design

A stand designer will offer you a customised design that is faithful to your identity while providing you with a clear and effective architectural charter. He will guide and advise you throughout your project so that your stand will offer you an inimitable visibility and attraction.

Calling on a stand designer guarantees a flawless communication strategy.

At R2 Stand & Event, our entire team is at the service of your project. Through their experience and expertise, our different trades do everything possible to make your stand stand out from the rest. Our stand designers will affirm your identity by making your brand a must at all your events:

  • exhibition,
  • fair,
  • exhibition,
  • showroom

Committed to sustainable development, we offer recycled materials, eco-friendly and low energy lighting, in order to reduce the carbon impact of your stand.

Creation, realization, installation, de-installation, and staging of your brand... The stand designer takes care of everything.

Create for you the stand that looks like you, with a focus on the personality and visibility of your brand. Having a space designed to optimise your actions is our priority. We offer you different formats to adapt to your needs.

Trade show stand: Which format to choose?

The reusable stand

This is an essential for you who present your products from fair to fair, from show to show. Our teams create a living space that you can easily use for all your events, according to your criteria and your planning. Our reusable stands exist in two types: mono or multi surface.

The single surface stand can be set up, dismantled and reassembled in exactly the same configuration for your various exhibitions.

The multi-surface stand allows you to vary the layout, but also the message you want to convey from one event to another. It offers you the advantage of being able to modulate your surface at will, according to the place where you are, and thus, to adapt to each event.

Wooden or aluminium stand, this is the most complete solution, positioned on an intermediate budget.

Le stand traditionnel sur-mesure menuisé

This type of carpentry stand is ideal for highlighting your brand, and promoting your services and products during important events. It is made to measure according to your specifications, which makes it a unique space and your image. Designed in the smallest details to be as attractive as possible, this stand allows you to be seen by your current customers and noticed by your future leads. If you only participate in a few trade shows (1 to 2 per year), this booth is the one that maximizes your efficiency while offering participants an unforgettable experience. It is the most used booth, and the most high-end.

Le stand packagé modulaire

This formula offers you a predefined stand with aluminum modules to rent of 9 m², 12 m² or 18 m². This stand is modular and adaptable: you can compose your space by combining several modules, according to your needs, the location you have booked and according to the show where you exhibit. This stand is also customizable and can be decorated with your colors and logos for the duration of your rental.

The nomadic stand

Specially designed for short events and small exhibition areas, this stand goes everywhere. Lightweight and portable, it is quick and easy to set up. Your visibility and your identity follow you at all times while displaying your communication clearly and efficiently.

Whatever format you choose, all our stands are delivered "turnkey ". All you have to do is worry about bringing it to life with one of the best cards to make you stand out. A space designed and created by the stand designer specifically to showcase your brand while being in keeping with your values and identity.

A stand designer to organise your stand at a trade fair

Organise your stand with a tailor-made specification

Drawing up specifications is obviously an essential step: this approach enables stand designers to propose a project tailored to the closest expectations and challenges of each request, in a highly personalised manner.

It allows you to highlight your strategic objectives, and serves as a reference point throughout your project thanks to a retroplanning. With the selection of all the participants and the implementation of a common methodology, you can be sure of tailor-made services.

A stand operator to manage the logistics before and after the event

Because it is obvious that our work as stand designers does not stop at creating the most perfect stand, we offer a service dedicated to the logistics and follow-up of your events.

Our logistics department takes care of everything before, during and after the event, regardless of the type of customised stand chosen.

Before the event, once the manufacturing is completed, we take care of the transportation to all your exhibition locations, whether it is the Paris Book Fair or a professional congress in New York. We take care of road and sea transport, customs formalities, packing your stand in containers, and accompany you wherever you go. We are there for the assembly and disassembly of your structure.

During the event, we make sure that everything is in place, that nothing is missing for your animations. We are at your disposal during the entire duration of your exhibition.

After the event, we store all your elements in our warehouses until your next event. We also take advantage of this time to repair any elements damaged during this period, so that you can be sure that your stand will be as attractive as ever at the next trade fair.

Whether you are exhibiting in France or elsewhere in the world, our logistics department will take care of all your requirements.

A stand designer to design your trade show stand!

What are the steps involved in creating a customised stand?

The design of a booth for a trade show requires several steps to achieve an optimal result and meet your expectations.

At your R2 Stand & Event, our process is as follows:

  1. We meet with you. This exchange allows us to answer important and necessary questions in order to elaborate a design adapted to your needs. What are the targets? What messages do you want to deliver? What is the budget allocated to this operation? And many other questions...
  2. Together we draw up your specifications based on our discussions.
  3. Our design office, composed of an art director, a 3d designer and a project manager, elaborates the design of the stand, the conception of your visuals and the budgetary approach...
  4. We validate the proposals together. We optimise them if necessary until your final approval.
  5. Once all these elements have been validated, we manufacture your customised stand. Our carpenters, electricians, upholsterers, printers and fitters create all the elements of your future demonstration and reception area in our workshops.
  6. The logistics of your stand: your stand operator works with you on the entire process (transport, assembly, operation, dismantling, storage). Always in close collaboration with your teams

Discover our guide to optimising your presence in 7 points!

1. The location of the stand

In addition to having an attractive and welcoming stand, it is essential to have traffic. To do this, there is one point that should not be neglected when participating in a trade fair: the location of your stand.

There are several criteria to consider when choosing your space:

  • Neighbourhood: always remember that people attract people and that deserted places are places to be avoided by the public. Therefore, if you can, find out who is on the neighbouring stands. If you are located near a high-profile company, you are more likely to be approached by that audience.
  • Crowded areas: some locations allow for better visibility than others. If you are located near an entertainment or conference area, you will have a better chance of being seen and approached by your future customers.
  • Areas to be avoided: the same applies to certain areas where the visitor never or hardly ever goes, because they are located at the very back of the exhibition or next to a rest area.

When you register for the exhibition, don't hesitate to ask for the site map. Find out about the different areas of the site before you choose your location. The organiser will usually give you two or three available spaces.

Don't hesitate to ask your stand designer's opinion before deciding and confirming your space, or even leave it to him/her to achieve maximum exposure.

2. Aesthetics, a vector for creating traffic on your stand

We have just seen that the strategic location of your stand will influence the approach of your potential customers. However, it is not enough to make them come to you.

Your booth is your best communication tool during your shows. It is the reflection of your company, of your brand. It is therefore necessary that the staging of your ranges is the most attractive and effective.

From experience, we know that the overall aesthetics of your stand must be thought out so that the people who stop by and meet you feel "at home".

It's obvious: a well-designed stand, bearing your company's colours, is a major asset.

While showing your professionalism, your space must be friendly, welcoming and customer-oriented. A stand that delivers your message and highlights your know-how.

Our stand designers will offer you a trendy and modern stand design, at the cutting edge of the latest technologies. A space optimised to attract and invite customers to discover your products.

A successful customer experience requires an environment and a presence that gives the customer confidence at the exhibition.

3. Trade show stand animation: optimising the visitor experience

A nice space, in the right place are, as we have said, some of the keys to the success of your exhibition. But your goal is not to have your visitor just come to visit you! You are there to make yourself known and to do business. It is therefore essential that the visit is unforgettable for your prospect.

For this, nothing better than to ask your stand designer to animate your stand.

A customer who is active on your stand is a customer who will remember you, your brand, and will come back to you as soon as they need it. Because nowadays, a simple explanatory leaflet is not enough to interest the public, you need to develop other strategies.

As a stand operator, we can help you set up a whole range of traffic-building operations: interactive customer paths, digital visitor experiences, video showcases, etc. These activities will help you promote your products and services.

The more relevant the traffic-generating operation is, the higher your potential to turn visitors into customers.

4. Work on the stand reception, demonstrate your added value with an effective pitch

Welcoming visitors is not just a matter of a few banal sentences, such as "Would you like a presentation of our offer? You only have a few minutes to show that it is relevant, that it answers a real problem.

With a well-crafted pitch, you will demonstrate your added value, and will certainly leave a pleasant memory with your visitors, who will have an additional reason to come back to you.

Here are some tips for creating an effective and convincing pitch:

Start by creating a link, a common base between you, your project and your audience. Start from what they know, and gradually lead them towards the rest of your pitch.

Identify your visitor's needs, provide an answer, based on your company's products and services, illustrate your remarks with the tools present on your stand: product demonstrations, models, videos, 3D, etc.

Your interpersonal skills, a good preparation beforehand, knowledge and mastery of the tools on your stand are the prerequisites.

The stand is a formidable commercial vector, guaranteeing your future success. Rely on it. Use and abuse its potential.

5. Collect visitor information today to build your business tomorrow

Collecting information from participants is one of the most important things to do when you participate in a trade show. Indeed, it will allow you to analyze your audience afterwards and to build your next commercial actions.

The second important point is to develop your list of prospects. It is an essential tool for building customer loyalty and announcing upcoming events, promotional offers and new products, in compliance with the GAPD.

6. Stand and data collection

There are several ways to collect this data.

All traffic operations are adapted to the collection of information on participants. Interactive quizzes, contests, participative demonstrations, from the most playful to the most serious, many formats exist. Your R2 Stand & Event representative can advise and assist you.

7. Publicity gifts and post-show experience

Your stand has attracted visitors, your order books are filling up, your schedule is expanding, which is very good. But what do you do with all those who have not yet made a concrete commitment and yet have shown great interest in your activities?

To keep some people loyal and not to be forgotten by others, bet on the little extra that will continue the post-show experience. The promotional and advertising object allows you to maintain the link. Your brand accompanies your prospect outside the exhibition, on his desk, in his pocket, in his car...

How to animate and promote your trade show stand?

Animate your social networks before, during and after the exhibition period.

We won't go into the importance of feeding and animating your social networks in this guide, but to offer you some tips on how to get your community's attention at a trade show.

How to communicate before a trade show?

In addition to traditional communication via email and a banner on your website, informing your community of your presence at a trade show is a matter of course. Companies are often satisfied with a simple post with the dates, the place, etc. But it can be very interesting to share elements of the preparation of the show, such as the teasing of a film.

The aim is to make people want to come to the show and of course to your stand, which you will have shared on social networks the steps of creation and installation.

Animation of the stand and social networks during the event

Concentrated on the reception, the animation of a stand leaves little time for Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and yet it is essential to communicate during the show.

It is not too late to attract prospects or customers who are reluctant to make the trip.

Our advice is to involve your visitors in the creation of posts either by providing them with the corresponding Instagram Hashtag, but more simply by sharing photos in which they appear, with their permission.

They should logically like and share these posts, allowing you to reach their communities. Sharing a video of a colleague experiencing a virtual reality headset for the first time is likely to make the rounds.

Posting highlights after the trade show

The show is over, the logistics take over and it's the opportunity to share a thank you post and why not quickly some videos or souvenir photos.

Frustrate those you didn't meet, but above all, make sure you meet them at the next edition.

It is also an opportunity to share a survey to measure satisfaction and gather feedback to further optimise your visitors' experience.

How to digitalise your professional stand?

Friendly hosts and hostesses, a few sweets on a counter, will not be enough to enchant your visitors. In order for them to remember their visit, it is necessary to give them an experience.

The end of print for a multimedia experience.

It's hard to refuse the commercial brochure handed out at the end of a demonstration, yet participants quickly regret the weight of all this documentation which will end up on a shelf at best, but more often in the wastebasket.

Your employees should present their offers on tablets or multimedia screens during the exhibition. It is a good idea for them to end their pitches with the offer to take the paper documentation with them or to receive it digitally by email.

Generally, it is the second option that is favoured, allowing you to collect information about your visitor (name, first name, email, function, etc.).

The multimedia screen will also have the advantage of allowing your visitors to browse the different pages or demonstrations on their own, when your employees are all busy. Tactile and of sufficiently large size, these screens will generate traffic.

In order for your visitors to keep a memory of their visit, it is necessary to give them a digital experience, a stand designer will propose a solution adapted to your needs.

  • VR/RA to make an impression

VR for Virtual Reality or AR for Augmented Reality will allow your visitors to discover the immersive digital experience.

Whether it's a product demonstration, a tour of your facility, or a use case, VR provides an impactful customer experience.

AR adds virtual elements to a real environment, with pokemons being one of the most famous applications, adopted by almost 500 million people in 15 days.

IKEA, offers an AR app that allows you to virtually add your furniture to your living or office space, creating an accurate preview of your layout.

https://www.usine-digitale.fr/article/pour-accompagner-ses clients-maisons-du-monde-mise-sur-la-3d.N749149

Invite your audience to interact with your products digitally.

  • Present your products in 3D holograms:

This is a new trend, but one that is becoming more common among exhibitors.

Present your products in a 100% virtual way and invite the visitor to handle them: product exploded showing the internal composition of your novelty, 360° projection in volume, all solutions are offered to the participants.

Inviting your visitors to interact with your products digitally will make a lasting impression. Are you looking for a stand designer to help you design and manage your exhibition stand? R2 Stand & Event, an agency specialising in the creation and layout of exhibition stands, can help you!